Grey & Grey | FotoZon | Jet City Data | Command Link |     Saturday November 09, 2024

Keith Grey

Keith In HK taken Tuesday, February, 2010

Hello, My name is Keith Grey. Thank you for visiting my Official Page on the internet.

I have been a computer programmer since I first saw one as a little kid. I would sit there for hours and try to program them in Basic with goto and gosub and make them obey my instructions. I remember when there were no disk drives to save my programs on and I had to leave the computer on all night! Luckily our school in Marysville, WA had a good computer lab and I took classes in Logo and other languages. Many years later, I would virtually live inside the Vax/VMS and later Unix system at Western Washington University. This first exposure to the internet through plain text browsers and other information systems was a real eye-opener for me. It was there that I saw how addictive computers could become. I decided to get away for a few years and travel the world while I was still young and could rough it. I focused on learning foreign languages and photography.

When I returned to finish a bachelor's degree at the University of Washington, the graphic web browser and internet had exploded onto the scene. Once again I found myself caught up in a computing revolution as the early stages of the .com era unfolded. Although I finally decided on a degree in Economics, I never lost my aptitude for computers and the logic within them. Since leaving College, I have been in and around all kinds of technical systems from telephone circuit switches to the first web based tracking and ordering software. Linux to Windows, Perl to Jquery and everything in between, I have been there.

I know: SQL, Perl, php, NodeJs, Unix, html, Linux, Cron jobs,Bash, shell, email and text processing, JavaScript, Coldfusion, JQuery,Soap, Apache, Eclipse, SVN, DHTML, xhtml, XML,MySQL, MS-SQL, Microsoft, CSS, Batch Process, Automation, Intelligent text handler, Automated Email Reader, jpg or gif image processing, Apache, Macromedia, wiring, Networking, Gardening, Carpentry, Sauna, chinese, spanish, english.

All The Best,
Keith Grey

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Other Info Keith Grey

LinkedIn: my profile on LinkedIn

FotoZon Blog

Why is this page here?
I like to think of myself as: "The" Keith Grey. So, if you type in my name on Google, I should come up! This page is to authenticate the fact that I am the one and only Keith Grey, programmer from Seattle.

Some of my Recent Work

Work Related
For the Fun of IT

Some of my photos

Jong Gan Road - Another Mitsukoshi shot

Sunset at Beach
Wedding Pictures at Lighthouse Two
Lion and Budha
Deception Pass Bridge
Propane Delivery