Wednesday March 12, 2025 |
How to get a website on the internet.Step 1 of an interactive 10 step wizard.I get this question all the time - "How do I get established on the Internet?" Not like on facebook, poker or yahoo email, but really "ON" the internet, with a web site and an online presence? Here at Jay Data, we have created this free interactive 10 step wizard to guide you through the process. Step #1 - Choose a Domain!Normally this will be your company name like "Grey And Grey Construction .com" or a specific type of merchandise i.e. "Better Telephone Rates". A domain name consists of two parts, the "TLD" (Top Level Domain - ".com") and the "SLD" (Second Level Domain - Your unique address ). While there are many TLD's available like .info or .ws, generally a .com domain name is preferred. Most of the major websites in use today have a .com, .net or .org extension. Countries also have their own extensions like .us for the United States and .ca for Canada. Many web sites have obtained good rankings with an alternative top level domains, one of the most notable is .tv. So, choose whatever you want and see if it is available in the window below.
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